Media Production

Spiritual Danger

Satan is our adversary, we must stay vigilant against his attacks and stay close to God.

Spirit of Error

This world in is turmoil. Is there a basic cause to humanity's problems? This sermon will deal with the spirit of error and how we can be sure to avoid its influence.


Why human beings are so easily trapped by Satan's deceptions. Weare also going to look at a very difficult concept of how all of us are involved in a type of deception that has deceived us without us even knowing…

Revealing the Heart of God - and Your Heart

Sometimes our motives are not perfect. Where do we fall short? We must learn to yield to God in an attempt to unite our hearts.
A woman looking out a window.

The Dangers of a Smiling Face

Sometimes trusting someone merely because of their kindness or friendliness can cause us great problems.

The Latest Middle East Peace Plan

The “Deal of the Century”, a new Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan which lays out a vision for a prosperous and empowered Palestinian society, was announced by President Trump this past week. The plan was largely ignored by media and summarily rejected…

Beware of Deception

How to hold on to the Truth of God. We have a special calling. We should not take that for granted.

The 9th Commandment

The ninth commandment covers a host of false witness. We serve a God of truth and we are to follow His example.

Watching for the Four Horsemen

Jesus Christ gave a clear command to 'Watch' during the Olivet Prophecy. This command has a strong connection to the so-called 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' listed in Revelation 6. In this message, we'll examine that connection and Jesus' command…

The World's Greatest Liar

We need to be aware of Satan's attempts to get us off track and ask God to help us to be vigilant.