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The Latest Middle East Peace Plan

The “Deal of the Century”, a new Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan which lays out a vision for a prosperous and empowered Palestinian society, was announced by President Trump this past week. The plan was largely ignored by media and summarily rejected by Palestinians and various Arab countries. What does prophecy tell us about the end times in regard to peace in the Middle East, Jerusalem and the existence of a third temple? What is the goal of the Beast and what is the abomination which makes desolate? Scripture warns us to watch and be sober so that the Day of the Lord does not overtake us by surprise. What must we do in order to avoid deception? Now is high time to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and wake out of sleep for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed!

Before his retirement in 2021, Dr. Donald Ward pastored churches in Texas and Louisiana, and taught at Ambassador Bible College in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has also served as chairman of the Council of Elders of the United Church of God. He holds a BS degree; a BA in theology; a MS degree; a doctor’s degree in education from East Texas State University; and has completed 18 hours of graduate theology from SMU.

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