Media Production

Never Succeed

Daniel 11 reminds us that God's plan has been set since the foundation of the earth; no evil ruler can change that fact.

What is the Abomination of Desolation?

Within the book of Daniel and Revelation, bible prophecy mentions the Abomination of Desolation. Through the course of this message, we will review the historical accounts of the Abomination of Desolation and what role the final Abomination of Desolation will…

The Latest Middle East Peace Plan

The “Deal of the Century”, a new Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan which lays out a vision for a prosperous and empowered Palestinian society, was announced by President Trump this past week. The plan was largely ignored by media and summarily rejected…

The Days Ahead in Bible Prophecy

Please join us for this Amazing video sermon explaining some of the prophecies yet to be fulfilled in the old and new testaments. This is a very interesting study in the book of Daniel, and in Revelation. There is also…

The Time of the End

The Bible discusses at period described "as the time of the end." We will look into Daniel 12 to examine its clear prophecies. It describes a "time of trouble" that will affect the contemporary physical descendant nations of ancient Israel--which…

The Abomination of Desolation

This sermon explains the scriptures that describe the abomination of desolation. We have been told to watch for that in the Olivet prophecy. What are we watching for?

The Abomination of Desolation

This sermon explains the scriptures that describe the abomination of desolation. We have been told to watch for that in the Olivet prophecy. What are we watching for?

What is the Abomination of Desolation?

An explanation of the Abomination of Desolation—a prophetic event originally revealed to Daniel, and later re-visited by Jesus Christ in His prophecies of the end of the age.

The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation, or Time of Jacobs Trouble is a detailed set of prophesied events that will take place immediately before the return of Christ. It serves as a warning to those who are not taking their calling seriously… and…

Let's Be Wise

The Abomination of Desolation, what is it? Why we need to be wise.