
The Church in End-Time Prophecy

What does the Bible have to say about the Church immediately before the return of Jesus Christ?

What is the Abomination of Desolation?

Within the book of Daniel and Revelation, bible prophecy mentions the Abomination of Desolation. Through the course of this message, we will review the historical accounts of the Abomination of Desolation and what role the final Abomination of Desolation will…

The Latest Middle East Peace Plan

The “Deal of the Century”, a new Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan which lays out a vision for a prosperous and empowered Palestinian society, was announced by President Trump this past week. The plan was largely ignored by media and summarily rejected…

What do you focus on?

What scriptures do we focus on when studying end time prophecy? What can we control?

Israel in Prophecy

God made promises to Israel that were everlasting. Yet, when we read about events just prior to the return of Jesus Christ, Israel is not mentioned. Why is that? What is in store for Israel?

America's Roots

As America pauses for the Fourth of July, many will stop and recall the great history of this nation and remember the sacrifices so many made that we might enjoy the freedoms we have today. Some will trace our history…

Earthquakes in End-Time Bible Prophecy - Part 1

Earthquakes are a fact of life in our present world. Plus, biblical end-time prophecy clearly reveals that they will play a significant role in the days ahead. In fact the Bible discloses that the greatest, most powerful and damaging earthquakes…

Who Will Be the Beast

End time Bible prophecy prominently features "the Beast." The Bible reveals "Beast" as synonymous to "King" or "Kingdom." This sermon explores 10 distinct characteristics of previous revivals of this Biblical "Beast."

Earthquakes in End Time Bible Prophecy parts 1&2

This is an amazing Sermon Parts 1 & 2 on end time Bible prophecy. Are there more earthquakes in the end times than other times? This answer to this question and many more in this eye opening message by Mr…

Days, Dates, Times and Seasons

End time Bible prophecy is filled with numbers of days. Understanding what the Bible says about "times and seasons" can enhance your appreciation of Bible prophecy.