
Is there a Place of refuge for God’s People

Does the Bible actually say there is a place of safety to which end time saints flee, and does scripture identify a specific location. Will God protect His people where ever they may be? We will explore the answers to…

Overview of the Meaning of the Feast of Trumpets

Listen to this sermon to learn about the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets.

The Watchman for the House of Israel

The Old Testament book of Ezekiel is a book of history, a book of warning, and of course, a book of prophecy concerning the Houses of Israel and Judah and ultimately the whole world. The prophet Ezekiel was assigned a…

Rising to Meet the End Times Head On

The End Times are approaching us today, are we preparing ourselves - educating our minds, heart, and to walk in His Spirit and Live by His Word. We study of the Qualities of the God’s People throughout these End Times…

The Church of God at the End TIme

Jesus said He would build His Church, and that the "gates of hell" would not prevail against it. Where is that Church, and what does the Bible say about its future?

Your Redemption Draws Near

Christ spoke many times about His return to this earth. This sermon covers some of them as well as the clear instruction to be watching the world around us.

The Day of the LORD

The "day of the LORD" is mentioned numerous times in the old and new testament. Just what is the "day of the LORD," and how does it fit into Bible prophecy?

Are We Living in the Prophesied “end Time”?

Do you believe that you and I today are indeed living in the “end time”? What you and I may often refer to as the “end time” is described in Biblical prophecy in at least 3 terminologies. Number 1: The…

Is the U.S. Complacent?

The United States is the world's greatest superpower, but no nation keeps the top spot indefinitely.

End-Time Knowledge Vs. End-Time Wisdom

What will happen in the approaching end of the age? How will things unfold on the world stage; more importantly, how will they play out for you personally? How can you be wise in preparing for the this time of…