
God's Will for Your Life

How much does God control? How much of what happens on earth is God’s will? Is it His will that people suffer? Is every success or failure in your life God’s will?
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Hasty decisions made without counsel and wisdom can have long-lasting consequences.
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Plan Before You Plant

When we make big decisions in our lives, we need to consider the long-term ramifications and keep God's word at the center of our decision making process.

Whose Example Is Important Now?

Our lives are subject to pressure. It can come from either God or Satan. Pressure from God is to test and prove us, while pressure from Satan is to try to destroy us. As we respond to pressure, we need…

The Vow of Jephthah

At first glance it appears that Jephthah sacrifices his daughter after making a rash vow. Jephthah is mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 among the heroes of faith. What is the truth about the vow that Jephthah made to God?

Is God Fair?

Why doesn't God reward every good or bad decision we make with appropriate results? This message discusses what God considers fair, and how His system allows love to exist.

The Story of a Young Man and God's Sabbath

Mr. Graham tells a personal heartfelt story of his college days when he was confronted with a difficult decision regarding the Sabbath.

Sermon - How Can We Grow Spiritually? - Part 2

Today we will cover part 2 of our Sermon series “How Can We Grow Spiritually.” In both our spiritual and physical lives we receive one gift that is the most powerful possession we have. Spiritually… the one gift we are…

Say Yes To The Task

Some people have trouble saying 'No' when asked to help. Others have trouble saying 'Yes.' Still others have trouble deciding what to say. Today, we'll talk about saying both 'Yes' and 'No,' and when an appropriate time is to say…

Lesson in Decision Making From Daniel 2

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/9/19 Many people are aware of the prophetic vision of the statute in Daniel 2, but behind this vision was a severe trial and a certain decision making. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth discusses five lessons from…