
Do You Feel Like Jeremiah?

Jeremiah the prophet lived in a time of moral and spiritual decline in Israel, not unlike the times we live in today. As we read through his writings we can learn how he felt and the hope and encouragement God…

Do Conditions From the Historic Decline of Rome Foretell America's Future?

Learning critically important lessons from secular history has a parallel in our spiritual need to heed the plain warnings of biblical history.

Beyond Today Taping


Treasure Digest

Family Circle magazine surveyed American families in 1993 and again in 2003. In the Oct. 15, 2003 issue, they reported on "The State of the American Family." Their title, "Stressed but Strong," tried to put a positive spin on it...

The Feast of Tabernacles

Even at the Feast family members can be pulled in many directions. Enjoy the blessing of having physical family at the Feast by making time to spend time together.