
America's Short Supply of Moral Virtues

Both religion and politics have failed to teach the moral law of God that can bring justice, peace and a stable world.

America's Continuing Decline

With the legalization of same-sex civil unions in New jersey, America is taking another step down the slippery slope of decline.

Where Is Jeremiah When You Need Him?

The United States needs a speech like that given by the prophet Jeremiah when he stood in the capital city of ancient Judah.

Are we seeing a decline in American power?

Bible prophecy shows a coming time of trial for America, Great Britain and other English-speaking nations who have received great material blessings.

World News and Trends

In relating American cultural trends in his book The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators (1993), former U.S. Education Secretary William Bennett cautioned Americans that "unless these trends were reversed, they would lead to the inevitable decline of the American republic."