
Do You Feel Like Jeremiah?

Jeremiah the prophet lived in a time of moral and spiritual decline in Israel, not unlike the times we live in today. As we read through his writings we can learn how he felt and the hope and encouragement God…

Cultivating Gratitude

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/30/19 Location: Orinda This week, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a report showing that for the past three years American life expectancy is declining. Most disturbing, the reasons for the decline relate to drug…

Where the American Culture is Headed the Next 20 Years

We are now almost two decades into the 21st century. It seems like yesterday that many people were in hysteria about the Y2K bug when we rolled over into the year… 2000. But, the last 20 years has seen a…
What Have We Become?

What Have We Become?

The New World Disorder: Where Is It Taking Us?

The New World Disorder

Why does the world seem to be crumbling into chaos? Can we restrain the forces of anarchy? Is it possible to right the course of our severely straying civilization and solve our problems? Sadly, we seem to have no comprehension...

Global Stocks Fall


World News and Trends

"More than 8 in 10 Americans think morality is getting worse," reports the Gallup News Service regarding a recent poll. Among those polled who regard American moral values as very low are senior citizens, women in general and those who...

The Prophetic Rise and Fall of Nations

Are you fully engaged and seeking the knowledge that can turn your life around and put it on the track toward God's Kingdom?

Immigration Lessons from Lebanon

Once considered the banking capital of the Arab world, Lebanon was widely known as the "Switzerland of the Middle East." It attracted tourists in large numbers. The city of Beirut was often referred to as the "Paris of the Middle...


Everybody these days chooses their own standards to live by, but only the Bible contains the true way of life.