
Time for Personal Reflection

We need to take time for personal reflection before the Passover. We need to see ourselves as God sees us; as His children. We are called the children of God and we need to reflect that in our lives.

A Matter of Life or Death

The Plagues were Epic, the Death Angel Swift. In one night a new nation was born and another brought to its knees. That was then, this is now. Learn how Passover offers deliverance from what plagues you today through the…

Deliverance: A Review of Psalm 107

We all have different and personal relationships with God. As we begin to think about the Spring Holy Day season, we should focus on God's deliverance made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Let's look at a few of…
One person reaching out to touch the hand of another person.

The Greatest Story Rarely Told

The fall Holy Day season begins with stories about the Day of Trumpets and ends with stories about the coming of the New Jerusalem. But the story rarely told begins before these accounts.

God's Benefit Of Healing

Humanity is in need of many kinds of healing. Spiritual healing is the most universal healing that this world needs in order to be reconciled to God. Our most often requested need in this life is for physical healing. Our…

How Does God Deliver?

How does God provide us with deliverance when it is needed?

Thankfulness A La Psalm 107

Speaker: James Malizia 11/16/19 Handout for sermon is under Downloads. In this message presented the Sabbath of November 16th, James J. Malizia facilitates an exploration of Psalm 107's “Call for people to thank God for blessing them and delivering them…

We All Come to This Point

At some point in our lives, we come to a place where there is no answer without God's direct intervention or deliverance.

The Great Deliverance

We have all sinned and are worthy of death. But God supplies us with a personal deliverance .

Are You Qualified?

Col 1:12 giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. Col 1:13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom…