
God: Best ________ In The Universe

What kind of mind did it take to create our Universe? The mind of an engineer? A chemist? A farmer? A father? The Creator of our Universe had to have an incredible mind to make it as He did. In…

Thankfulness A La Psalm 107

Speaker: James Malizia 11/16/19 Handout for sermon is under Downloads. In this message presented the Sabbath of November 16th, James J. Malizia facilitates an exploration of Psalm 107's “Call for people to thank God for blessing them and delivering them…

God's Desire for Humanity

God designed humanity for His Family and that is OUR Purpose …AND His Approach to us.

Our Spiritual Body

Scripture draws a great analogy between our physical bodies and the spiritual body God has placed us in.

God's Design

Mike Snyder begins his sermonette speaking about a New York Times best seller book that speaks of replacing religion with technology and how there is a growing movement with this trend as the world become more secular. Mike then goes…

Belief in God Is a Choice

Have you heard of the flower that is pollinated by “tricking” bees into taking a bath or of the flower that “shoots” its pollen onto a bee’s back? We can see the design of the Creator—if we choose to.