
The Waxen Heart

As we begin to approach the Passover season, we examine ourselves. One area to look deeply into is our hearts. What does our heart love? Has it waxed cold? How can we tell if it has, and what should we…

Money and Wealth in the Bible

Speaker: David Marigian 2/29/30 This message looks at God's view of money and wealth, and what should be our view of money and wealth. We see that God approves of the use of money and wealth if we have the…

The Fire Inside

NOTE: The first few minutes are missing from the recording. David Jones discusses the fervent drive behind "the fire in the belly" that we should have in our relationship with God.

Why Do We Do What We Do? - Part 2

What is our motivation to do what we do? What is our motivation for obeying God? What is the motivation God wants us to have for obeying Him? Desire? Reward? Fear? Love?

The Riches of Contentment

There is a desire in man to want what he does not have, and to want more of what he already has – wealth, riches, power, fame, whatever it may be – but the true riches are found in contentment…

Is God and Christ the Desire of Your Heart?

Do we really want God and Christ in our lives and hearts or do we want life on our own terms?

Pray for Peace

Do you ever have trials or see things in life that leave you wondering 'why?' Why does God allow this or that to happen? Or perhaps, why can't I get the things I 'need' in life? Sometimes, we think we…

First Love

What is first love? As we each have more time in the body of Christ, have we lost that first love? It is natural for us to let our initial passion fade. If we are cognizant of that tendency, we…

The Seven Gracious Steps

Tim Pebworth -- 4/26/19 In the book of James Chapter 4, we read instructions and seven actions we can take to move from pride to humility and from consumed with our desired to being an instrument in God's Hands. As…

What will it take to keep the Feast again next year?

Having just returned from the Feast of Tabernacles, many have already begun to think about the Feast next year. Hopefully you just returned from 'the Best Feast ever,' but if not, it's never too soon to start preparing for next…