
Money and Wealth in the Bible

Speaker: David Marigian 2/29/30 This message looks at God's view of money and wealth, and what should be our view of money and wealth. We see that God approves of the use of money and wealth if we have the…

Why Do We War?

Examining the three main reasons why we make war in this world. Jas 4:1 Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?

Why Do We Do What We Do? Part 1

What motivates us to do what we do? What motivates us to obey God? What is the motivation God wants us to have for obeying Him?


What comparison is there between Superman, Christ, and the super beings in God's Kingdom? Listen in to find out!

The Seven Gracious Steps

Tim Pebworth -- 4/26/19 In the book of James Chapter 4, we read instructions and seven actions we can take to move from pride to humility and from consumed with our desired to being an instrument in God's Hands. As…

Thnink Right ---- Do Right

We look at commandment #10 which focuses more on our thoughts than on our behavior. We step from the world of deeds into the world of thought and desire.

Do You Seek Great Things for Your Self?

What are our lives about? Our goals, dreams and aspirations or, God's goals, dreams, aspirations and grand vision for us?


Is there anyone who doesn't yearn for Utopia, a place in which everything is wonderful? What do you yearn for? Join the study today as we discover the fact that our yearnings reveal a lot about us and our relationship…

What do you want?

"What do you want?" is a fundamental question in life. We are driven by our desires and do we think of our journey to the Kingdom of God being based on knowledge or desire?


We struggle against the physical desires of our heart and of the world, tending to look back as Lot’s wife did. To combat this, we are encouraged to focus on having the desire for the Kingdom of God, the spiritual…