
Do We Take the Devil Seriously?

Many in this society scoff at the concept of the devil. As God's people do we? We should, and we must be aware of his purpose to thwart God's plan and destroy us as God's children. In the split-sermon, Bob…

The Destiny of a Biblical Fool

After listening to this message, brethren will know and understand the importance of not being envious about apparent prosperity and success of biblical fools.

From Corruption to Conversion

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 10/26/19 Location: Orinda Powerpoint for to Coincide with Sermon in Downloads Tab Corruption has been called a cancer that destroys individuals and societies.1 Corinthians 15:50 Paul makes it clear that a corrupt state cannot inherit the kingdom…

Christ's Thoughts at the Time of the End

Join us for this amazing Video sermon on "Christ's Thoughts at the Time of the End". This study focuses on 3 specific events that happened to Jesus Christ on His final day before His death.

Creative Builders in God's Family

God is the master builder and Satan is the ultimate destroyer, seeking to destroy what God has created. As God's creation, Satan is out to destroy us - be on guard. Develop the Godly character of being a builder, not…

Unrest in Kenya


Treasure Digest

Satan the devil has a plan to destroy us, and often he uses the four Ds listed below.