
God's Will for Your Life

How much does God control? How much of what happens on earth is God’s will? Is it His will that people suffer? Is every success or failure in your life God’s will?

Missed Opportunities

There are moments in our lives where we “seize the day” and other times we miss opportunities, and regret it later. What does the Bible have to say about this?

Lifelong Commitments

The characteristics necessary to complete a fulfilled life can be compared to running a race. What are the five requirements in lifelong commitments? How can someone overcome in times of trials and discouragements?

Be Determined

We need to keep making that choice for life, so let's be determined to be like Christ. Have the mind of God - follow Him always.

Success in Failure

Success and the failure that it sometimes takes to get there.
The silhouette of man as the sun sets.

The Fight in the Dog

We must have a clear vision of our goals if we want to persevere through difficult times.

Don't Give Up

We can all become discouraged in life. Discouragement can come from many directions but it always is an attitude of Satan. God gives us means of comfort in His Word. God needs to be our strength at all times and…
Saul to Paul

Saul to Paul

How do you meet and greet newcomers to your congregation?
One Tip for Being a Better Christian

One Tip for Being a Better Christian

How to stop looking for the magic formula and make strides toward being the Christian you want to be.

Why All the Thorns and Thistles?

Why all the challenges in life? Parents naturally try to make life as easy as possible for their children. But is this really the best approach?