
Learning to Trust God

Speaker: Fred Crow 3/28/20 Through God's Word, the written examples and experiences of our forefathers, we can learn some major personal lessons. One big lesson from Exodus; God may allow us to go through difficult times so that He might…

Let No One Judge You

What is Paul saying in Colossians 2:16? All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. How do we approach this and other difficult to explain scriptures?

Embracing the Hard Things on the Narrow Path

It's hard work to be a Christian. It has always been this way. But we have been gifted with the power of the Holy Spirit. With this power we are able to embrace and overcome the difficult things we face…

Adversity from God's Perspective

What advice did God give those in the Bible who were facing difficult circumstances?

Is Anything Too Difficult for God?

Have we encountered a problem that seems insurmountable? Are there trials or difficulties from which we can see no way of escape. Is God unable to solve all of our problems? In the pre-Passover sermon, Bill Brown, an elder serving…

Stand Still and See the Salvation of God

The nation of Israel was taken to the brink of extinction shortly after their departure from Egypt. At the Red Sea, Moses gave instruction that is valid in difficult situations we all face today.

The Paradox of Blessings and Faithfulness

Should a Christian expect a smooth life without problems and difficulties? Why did so many, if not most, of the great examples of faith in the Bible suffer so much? This message examines the apparent paradox of blessings and faithfulness…

Who Is Anne Sullivan?

Hardship does not have to bring only sadness. It can also bring valuable lessons.