
You Are Christ’s Disciple - Do You Get It?

Christ’s disciples lacked spiritual discernment when He mentioned the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod. They thought He was talking about physical leaven, bread. They didn’t get it. As Christ’s disciple today, do you get it?

To Judge, or Not to Judge

Is judgment something we are to have? Or is it something to be avoided? Or maybe a little bit of both depending on the form of all the nonces of this word judgment. Looking at judgement in scripture.

The Light of Discernment

In comparing Genesis 1 to John 1, we can identify key elements God uses to create His order in the physical and the spiritual realm.

Discerning the Spirits

Do we ask God for the gift of the discernment of the spirits? Can you tell if a spirit is after you? Satan poses as an angel of light and demons seek to manifest themselves through living organisms. Members of…

Learn to Discern

Everyone knows we need to discern. But when? How? Why? Today, we will discuss the the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Discernment.

The Importance of Spiritual Discernment

Spiritual discernment is the ability to see the spiritual reality of a matter. It allows us to answer questions like, “What is the motivation, attitude or spiritual influence behind this circumstance?” As God’s people, developing the ability to test and…

Check It Out

Have you ever had some one 'check up' on what you've told them? Maybe you've had to check up on something someone else said to determine if it was true. Why do we check up on other people and is…

The Essentials for Eating and Drinking the Lord's Passover

As the Passover nears, we must judge ourselves to see whether we be in the faith and be reconciled to God, Jesus Christ and every member of the body of Christ. We should diligently seek to live by every word…


Discernment is a vital tool for a Christian for without it, one can easily be misled. We look at discernment and some of the consequences of not using it.


What is the most important spiritual attribute? Knowing right and wrong is of the utmost importance.