
You Are What You Think

Our sinful thoughts are still sin. Sin in the form of thoughts still requires the death of Jesus Christ, because we can sin in our own heart, in our mind, in our thoughts. Most people ignore their thoughts, thinking that…

About Unity

Unity requires four basic elements: the lowliness of mind, meekness, patience, and forbearance. Today, we will take a look at these character traits and their development.

Self Control & Self Discipline

Your Creator/Father wants you to develop self discipline. But His goals are higher than a better bank statement, or better health. Spiritual self control is about becoming like your Father in attitude and thought… and involves controlling your thoughts, emotions…

Raising Children

Raising children starts with the parents and their relationship to God. That is the most important factor in being successful in raising healthy and happy children.

Immersion Is All In

Listen to this sermon to learn about immersion and dedication to this way of life.

The Fatherless Generation - Why We Need The Father

We are living in an age that devalues the presence of the fathers, and more and more families in Western societies are fatherless ones. However, God has much to say about His desire for families with two parents with the…

Spiritual Lessons From the Apollo 11 Moon Mission

50 years ago the Apollo 11 mission went to the moon. What are some spiritual lessons we can learn from this incredible event?

Transformed From the Inside Out

Achieving success in sports requires discipline, and some much more than others. In this split-sermon, Jon Beam discusses some of the training and mental requirements needed by extreme runners and compares it to the endurance and spiritual qualities that Christians…

Golf and Christian Living

Living as a Christian in this world is never short of its challenges, much like golf. In order to stay on the path to righteousness, we must be disciplined to make every decision with precision and care, so as to…

¿En Qué Te Dedicas?

"What do you do for a living?" is a very common question when you're getting to know someone. It establishes a basis of what we might consider to be 'basic background knowledge' of an individual. As I have been working…