
Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?

Have you ever encountered someone who appeared genuine, only to learn later they did not have your best interests in mind? These are sometimes referred to as 'Wolves in Sheep's clothing.' Jesus Christ referred to this strange creature and warned…

Restore Church Unity NOW

As we watch the global society break apart, is a similar phenomenon fracturing the singular Body of Christ? What does God in the Bible command His Church? What do I need to be doing to participate in Christ's light to…

The Seven Spirits of Satan

Seven major areas where Satan speaks to our weakness and influences the world around us.

Getting Out of Prison Through Christ

We understand that Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are a time of self examination. But after examining ourselves and recognizing a need to change, how exactly do we do that. The answer is the focal point of the…

1 Corinthians 2 & 3 : Reasons For Division in Corinth

In a newly begun series of messages on the book of 1st Corinthians, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, goes through chapters 2 and 3, focusing on the divisions that plagued the Corinth congregation.

Defeat Your Demons

Eliminate: Doubt, Delay, Division. Transform doubt with faith (Js1:6),Transform delay with action (Rom 119:160); Transform division with love 1Jn 4:7:-11, 1Cor 13:2; replace doubt, delay division with faith, action and love.

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 4

In the 4th and final part of this series, we'll examine how authority and structure translate into the various roles of church in our local congregations. Whether we have a title and 'position' or not, everyone is a part of…

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 3

In Part 3 of this series, we'll examine how the authority given mankind translates into the structure and organization of the church today.

Us and Them?

We live in a world of constant division. We are divided into 'Us and Them' being seen as political parties, and in economic standards, and as many races and ethnicities. In this world of Us and Them, remember there is…

Preparing for the Passover Daily

Listen to this sermon to learn why you shouldn't wait until the last minute to make sure you do not keep the Passover in an unworthy manner.