
"Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so" (Matthew 19:8).

Divorce—the very word can carry all manner of pain, shattered trust and unwanted memories. Many know from experience that the dissolution of a marriage can have serious, lifelong repercussions. Learn when divorce is acceptable and why it should be avoided whenever possible.

Media Production

Gray Divorce

It's always tragic when marriages end in divorce; it's worth it to work through the tough times to gain a richness and depth to your relationship.

The War on Marriage and Family

There are forces at war in the world attacking God-ordained marriage which in turn threatens the survival of the traditional family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do…

Betrothed to Christ

Marriage customs have changed over time. Our modern weddings cloud our understanding of being betrothed to Christ. In this message we review 1st century customs and learn more about our marriage relationship with Jesus.

The Holy Institution of Marriage

In the first chapters of Genesis, God created the holy institution of marriage. God sent the prophet Malachi to His people to remind them how He felt about this very important institution. It is critical for Christians to understand the…

The Minor Prophets: Malachi - God's Love For His People

In an on-going series of sermons on the Minor Prophets, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses God's displeasure in the Book of Malachi with the sins being committed by the priests and the people following the…
A troubled looking couple.

The War on Marriage and Family

Forces are at war in the world attacking marriage—which in turn threatens the survival of the family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do about it!

To Do Justly

Correct judgments require wisdom. Godly judgments require understanding. Judging righteously requires that know the benchmark. So what is the benchmark to right and wrong? It is of course the Bible, but it is filled with laws that don't seem to…

God Hates Divorce

What happens when a marriage falls apart? Divorce is a common thing in our society. What does God think about divorce? In this sermon Mr. Martin covers the topic of divorce, answering the difficult questions according to the bible that…

The Missing Dimension in Marriage

Is marriage like a real estate contract? People search for reasons for divorce or separation. What does the Bible say about marriage? How should marriage partners behave towards one another? There are three parties in a marriage.
A young married coupling holding in the hands Scrabble letters that spell FOREVER

Faithfulness in Marriage

God desires that you to learn to be faithful and committed. That’s how He is, how He wants you to become, and how life will be in the Kingdom of God. You become that way by practicing it in your...