
Fundamental Doctrine of the Sabbath, Part 1

Elder Mark Vincen covers a fundamental doctrine of the Church of God, examining five of ten elements in understanding the true Sabbath; in part one of this two-part presentation.

If I Were the Devil

The devil has a singular focus, to thwart God's plan. If you were the devil, how would do this? Let's look at the devices he uses to try and destroy the Church of God.

Living Sacrifice, Your Reasonable Service

The Apostle Paul, in the book of Romans, outlines what is the reasonable requirement and response to our miraculous call. We are to be living sacrifices because what God has done for us.

Battle for Your Mind

Battle for your mind! The battle within. 3 keys to remaining positive in the mindset of the on going battle for your mind.

Will He Find Faith on the Earth?

Christ in Luke 18 seemingly asks a question, "When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" What does this mean and how do we respond?


Do you know what is Means to Love the Lord your God with all your heart? the Hebrew word “love” is “ahavah”. The Hebrew letters of this word aleph (א), hey (ה), and vet (ב), hey - show the symbolism…

Godly Approach to Submitting to Authority

This message explores 1 Peter 2:13-25 and how to use a Godly approach to submitting to authority. One of the keys to begin to understand is how important submitting to God's authority for all eternity will be and why we…

Repentance as Reinvention

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 1/11/20 Repentance is a foundational doctrine as described in Hebrews 6. What is repentance? What are characteristics? And, are we following a process of self-examination. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth explores these questions with an intention of…

The 4th Commandment

When God tells us to "remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy" what is He saying? How do we remember the Sabbath? Are we free to chose any day of the week to worship God or has God chosen…

Does God Approve of Military Service and War?

God will soon solve all this world's woes. He will end all war and killing; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. The former things will have passed away and there will no longer be a need…