
Can You Lose Your Salvation?

The Church has the means by which to determine teaching and doctrine. It is important to clarify that because there are a lot of varying ideas as to how doctrine or teaching is arrived at within the Church.

Doers of the Word

Most agree that Biblical teaching is important. Yet in the religious world reaction to Scripture varies greatly. This sermon addresses the vital role of Biblical teaching and it’s connection to action. w seconds and try to cut or copy again.
The Bereans provide a wonderful example of biblical critical thinking—analyzing what they are exposed to and comparing it against the Scriptures (Acts 17:11).

Biblical Critical Thinking for Christians

It’s important for Christians to think critically about the issues they are confronted with, and to compare everything against the Bible.
Media Production

The Importance of Doctrine

What is doctrine and how should Christians apply it to their lives?

Fundamental Doctrine of the Sabbath, Part 2

Elder Mark Vincen concludes his two-part presentation on the fundamental doctrine of the Lord’s Sabbath with five more elements in understanding this day and examines the correct context of several scriptures often quoted as evidence that the Sabbath is no…

A Sermon on Humanity

This sermon breaks down the United Church of God's fundamental belief on humanity into 7 points. The sermon ends with an action item for us in regards to humanity.

All Things Work Together

Romans 8:28 is one of the most memorized verses in the New Testament. But do we really understand what is being written here? What does God mean "for good"? How do we love God and what is His purpose? Let's…

God's Purpose For Humanity

The purpose of mankind can be reduced down to two foundational elements: 1. Character 2. Eternity

Today's News Supports the Wisdom of God's Food Laws

With the recent outbreak of the corona virus epidemic worldwide, mankind needs to take a new look at the food laws that God established in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. The source of this virus has been pointed to humans…

What Factor is Essential in Young Adults Becoming Pillars in the Church?

This sermon examines the crucially important factor of doctrine in the making of Church Pillars.