
Contending Earnestly for the Faith Once Delivered

Whether during the first century or twenty-first century AD, understanding the Holy Scriptures is incredibly important in striving to live by the very Words of God. This sermon reviews the understanding that there is only one true Gospel. In latter…

Repentance as Reinvention

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 1/11/20 Repentance is a foundational doctrine as described in Hebrews 6. What is repentance? What are characteristics? And, are we following a process of self-examination. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth explores these questions with an intention of…

Doctrines of Men

Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. However, religion seems to be infused with commandments, doctrines, traditions, and creeds of men. This message highlights some of the spiritual dangers…

The Importance of Sound Doctrine

What is doctrine? It is important? Does it really matter what your church teaches or what you believe? In this message, we explore what doctrine is, and why it is vitally important to you and for generations to come!

The Lie that Doesn't Die

Many people, across religions and cultures, believe that humans have immortal souls. We'll take a look at how the Bible defines a soul and what it has to say about whether or not we are immortal.

Seven Basic Doctrines of the Church

In this sermon Mr. Kevin Call gives a brief history of the Bible and the Doctrines of the church.

The Doctrines of Balaam

A look at the Doctrines of Balaam and why God is so upset with them. Lessons on how we can avoid these sinful customs

Can We Teach It?

Are we able to teach the doctrines of the church? Are we babes in Christ of well matured? The kings of Israel were required to write a copy of the law for their understanding and guidance. How much of the…

Are We Holding To Sound Doctrine?

To be "in the faith" means that we have an understanding and adherence to the major doctrines explained in God's Word. Are we knowledgeable of them? In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford, GA, congregations, discusses…

Precept Upon Precept, Line Upon Line, Here a Little and There a Little

In this message, we're going to examine a method of bible study given in Isaiah 28. We’re going to see how some criticize this method with the accusation known as proof-texting. We’ll examine what proof-texting is, define the term and…