Media Production

How Do You Know God Exists?

While this is a critically important question, the way you answer it is just as significant as the answer itself.

The Bible's Appeal to Logic and Reason

We can use reason and logic to prove God exists. We do not have to rely only on faith, or only on science. Science proves our faith.

Three Final Answers

Scott Krohn discusses three basic questions that will finally be answered for all mankind when events unfold, which are pictured by the Feast of Trumpets—the first annual Holy Day of the Fall Feasts: does God exist, does God intervene in…

Fundamental Beliefs Preamble - Does God Exist?

Fundamentals of Belief sermon looking at the existence of God and some of the proofs of his existence


Faith is one of the foundational doctrines listed in Hebrews 6. Faith is easy to talk about, but having real faith can be difficult. How is our faith tested? Why do we lack faith and struggle with faith? Listen for…

How Do We Get Rid of Evil?

We live in a world where evil acts are ever present. From school shootings to political corruption and corporate greed, it seems that good news is often hard to come by. Is there anything we can do it get rid…

How Sharp is Your Sword

Can you thoroughly explain God’s existence to someone that questions your belief in God? The Bible proves God’s existence, but there are other ways to help someone understand and come to believe in God.

How can they say there is no God

The purpose of this message is to address the fallacy that God and the devil does not exist.
Media Production

Can We Know There Is a God?

Is there a way you can prove God's existence?
A person pointing a flashlight up at the night sky.

Looking for God in All the Wrong Places

National Geographic's "The Story of God" is sadly a major disappointment. But finding out the answer to the question whether God exists is not.