
The Roman Turtle

A Christian's absolute faith in God can stop and extinguish the flaming arrows that Satan the devil shoots at us.

Facing Doubt

We may sometimes doubt the truths we know. If or when that happens, the example of how John the Baptist overcame doubts can help us.
Know No Doubt

Know No Doubt

How do we dispel doubts in our personal lives? The example of a former king is insightful.

How About the Children in the End Times?

Have you wondered what will happen to the children when the Church is protected in the end-time? Here is some good news?

O Ye of Little Faith

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 12/14/15 Location: Orinda Jesus told His disciples "O Ye of Little Faith" four separate times. Jesus said they had little faith because of anxiety, doubt, fear, and human reasoning. Listen to this sermon to learn how to…

Four Lessons from Job

The pastor examines the Book of Job and outlines four principle lessons that will help a member overcome worries, fears, and doubt when facing any trial.


Do not let worry, fear, and doubt keep you out of God's Kingdom.

Did God Set Us Up for Failure?

Do you ever feel like no matter what you try, you fail? That your best effort isn't good enough? Do you feel like God has set us up as some sort of a cruel cosmic joke, knowing we could never…

Faith to Overcome Doubt

Overcoming doubt requires us to build a strong defense in our faith.

Check It Out

Have you ever had some one 'check up' on what you've told them? Maybe you've had to check up on something someone else said to determine if it was true. Why do we check up on other people and is…