
The Mind of Christ - Fasting

We are to continue putting on the mind of Christ in our lives. We are to study the Bible as a way to do so. One of the lessons that we see in the Bible is that of fasting. How…

Our Holy Calling and the Feast

When we are called out by God, there begins an attraction to Him which requires a response from us. God's truths become revealed, such as His Commandments and the Feast Days; a commitment to obedience is required. Listen in to…

Prepare to Not Be a Foolish Virgin

The Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to Ten Virgins, five wise and five foolish. How can we make sure we will not be a foolish virgin?

7 Points for Fasting

Speaker: James Malizia 9/8/19 In this message, James Malizia facilitates an exploration of points to consider for an effective fast that pleases God, so we may draw close to Him for spiritual strength we need now and in the time…

Avoiding and Dealing With Bitterness

It's common for people to conclude that they have not been treated fairly and to harbor resentment. It can even be directed toward God. Taken to an extreme, human nature causes this to evolve into bitterness! In this sermon Jonathan…

Prepare Now to Rule in the Kingdom

Three keys to apply now to help us rule over ourselves.

Lesson in Christianity from Nature

Have you ever taken time to observe nature? Noticing God's creation and how it behaves? Some of answers to life's hardest questions can be found there along with a lot of good lessons on living our life as followers of…


Fasting in combination with the other spiritual disciplines is an especially effective means of developing a closer relationship with God. When we fast, we should be seeking God and His will, not trying to get our own way. Fasting should…

Draw Close to God

The Day of Atonement points to a time in the future when God will reconcile humanity to Himself through Jesus Christ. Why is Atonement necessary for mankind? Sin - it separates us from God. Fasting helps us humble ourselves so…

Overcoming by Resisting Evil

We do not need to destroy an enemy to win; we just need to resist the enemy. Resist the Devil and he will flee. When we draw near to God, he draws near to us.