Media Production


We're in the cold, dark days of winter, but like the hibernating daffodil we should use this time to prepare for spring; to pause, to reflect, to plan, and to nourish our spiritual lives.

7 Points for Fasting

Speaker: James Malizia 9/8/19 In this message, James Malizia facilitates an exploration of points to consider for an effective fast that pleases God, so we may draw close to Him for spiritual strength we need now and in the time…

Lesson in Christianity from Nature

Have you ever taken time to observe nature? Noticing God's creation and how it behaves? Some of answers to life's hardest questions can be found there along with a lot of good lessons on living our life as followers of…

To Establish Trust

During the time of the Exodus, God performed many miracles for Israel. In those miracles was a desire to establish trust. Parallels are found with Christ on earth.

The Fear of the Lord

The natural fear that humans have is a fear of judgment, causing them to want to run away from God. True godly fear is a reverence, respect, and honor of God. Its purpose is to draw us nearer to Him…

Draw Near to God