
Standing in the Gap

It is a sincere and humble honor to be able to “Stand in the Gap” for a friend, or even a stranger, when they are hurting, or in need! There is an incredible value, (and often, eternal benefit), for both…

Our Duty To Love

We are to examine ourselves. The Hebrew word AHAB most often translated to love. It signifies a strong emotional attachment. God is love. Love does not control his being. He is in control. Obeying Gods commandments is showing Him our…

Where Honor is Due

The apostle Paul said to give honor where honor is due. Thank you to those veterans who have fought to protect our religious freedom and to God's people who fight the good fight. They are wearing the whole armour of…

Called to Serve

What does it mean to serve God? As individuals, how can we know the type of service God intends for us to carry out?

Let's Pay Attention to the Little Things

Doing the little things should enhance what we are already doing. Never forget that as Christians, we have made a commitment to God to serve, to love, and obey Him with all our hearts. Once we have the basics and…

Unfinished Business

God's not done just yet. And we still have unfinished business.

Our Job

No matter how big or small a single congregation is, we have a job to do. In this sermon, the speaker looks into the subject of our Christian job.

Farewell, Fellow Soldiers

General MacArthur gave an address to West Point in 1962. It is a theme being picked up again today in this farewell address by senior pastor Jim Tuck. What are the main focal points to keep in mind? Duty, honor…

A Century of Service From the Last Empress

We can learn a lesson in leadership from a beloved lady—Britain’s queen mother.