
Embracing Distress

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 3/28/20 In three short three weeks, the world economy moved to tittering on collapsed with one third of the human population now under some form of lockdown. If there was ever a time when we needed clarity…
US $1 dollar coin

Ignoring the 800-Pound Gorilla

European and American Debt: No Easy Way Out

European and American Debt

The huge debt problems in Europe and the Unites States are creating enormous problems on the world geopolitical scene.
Will the Euro Collapse?

"Will the Euro Collapse?"

Some great factor - quite possibly the economic crisis that is increasingly shaping up in Europe - will force the transformation of the European Union into a new, more tightly integrated and powerful alliance.
A map of the European Union

Europe's Troubles

In 1933 Winston Churchill chillingly warned, "No one can watch the events which are taking place in Germany without increasing anxiety about what their outcome will be." With an economic crisis now plaguing the eurozone, will Berlin's troubled history repeat...

An Important 40th Anniversary to Ponder

Just over 40 years ago the United States government decided to go off the gold standard, U.S. dollars no longer being backed up by their value in gold. Four decades later we are feeling the economic crunch that comes from...

World News and Trends

It becomes a matter of more than just passing interest that our present plight would be described in biblical terms by the chairman and executive chairman of a popular American newsweekly with an international edition!

What's in Your Future?

Things look bad for today’s world. But beyond that, what will the future be like for you and your family?

In Spite of Greek Bailout, Is the Euro History?

Will the $1 trillion economic bailout really save Greece and the euro? How do the euro's strengths and weaknesses affect the prophetic future of Europe?

An Economic Lesson from the Ant

The current economic crisis affords us an opportunity to learn a vital lesson from the industrious nature of the ant, which is also the main point of the scriptural passage in Proverbs 6:6-11.