
Money and The Bible

What is money in the Bible and how does it apply to us? What does God expect of us?

Christians in the 21st Century Economy

We live in an era when economics and the realities of economic activity worldwide can have a big impact in our lives. What Biblical principles apply to us today?
Stacks of gold coins.

Christianity and Capitalism

Recently Pope Francis slammed capitalism and the free market, advocating redistribution of wealth and other steps to level out incomes between rich and poor. What does the Bible say about Christianity and capitalism?
 Build an Ark!

Build an Ark!

God teaches us how to stay afloat in troubled times.
Where Were You on That September Day?

Where Were You on That September Day?

A married couple’s reflection on the state of the U.S. a decade after September 11, 2001
What Is Your Safest Investment?

What Is Your Safest Investment?

Families have been hit hard in the recent economic downturn. Personal incomes have sunk for some, and home values and retirement funds have plunged for many. Where can you find a truly safe investment?
America's Debt Debacle

America's Debt Debacle

The recent debate over raising the U.S. debt limit showed a national leadership bitterly divided over the country's priorities and how to address its debt explosion. What are the larger implications of this debacle?
The Good News magazine

November-December Good News


Finding Security in an Unstable World

In a time of severe economic crisis and instability, where can we turn? Jesus Christ and the Kingdom He will establish represent the only true stabilizing force in the world.
Laying Up Treasure

Laying Up Treasure

With no signs of the economy improving anytime soon, gold prices are soaring—and many are looking to precious metals to save them from ruin. How do we prepare for financial disaster?