
Sin and Me

Although we are mindful of our relationship with God's commandments throughout the year, we invest additional self-reflection during this time of year. We will review the scriptures as to the concept of sin and its interference in our Christian Walk.

From Corruption to Conversion

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 10/26/19 Location: Orinda Powerpoint for to Coincide with Sermon in Downloads Tab Corruption has been called a cancer that destroys individuals and societies.1 Corinthians 15:50 Paul makes it clear that a corrupt state cannot inherit the kingdom…

7 Points for Fasting

Speaker: James Malizia 9/8/19 In this message, James Malizia facilitates an exploration of points to consider for an effective fast that pleases God, so we may draw close to Him for spiritual strength we need now and in the time…

Dangers in Genetically Modified Food

Genetically modified foods reflect a much larger problem—greed in the marketplace and the powerful drive for profits. The desire for more and more money can cause producers to overlook the possible adverse effects that these products could have on consumers.