
God's Calling

Our calling should be incredibly encouraging so let's stay the course!

With All Your Might

Understanding Ecclesiastes 9:10 and it's lessons for us.

Lifelong Commitments

The characteristics necessary to complete a fulfilled life can be compared to running a race. What are the five requirements in lifelong commitments? How can someone overcome in times of trials and discouragements?

Pentecost - Lessons From the Parable of the Talents

On the Feast of Pentecost, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses the expectations that God has for those to whom he has given talents.

Preparing for Planting Season

Lessons of the farmer. God's Spring Holy Days call for planning and effort. What kind of crop do you want to produce in your Spiritual Life?

Be an Overcomer

Overcoming is to be a major characteristic of our lives. God expects us to make the effort constantly to overcome sin. It is not always an easy job but God shows us what we need to accomplish this important task.

Leaven and Transfiguration

Christ used leaven as a symbol of something excellent.

Prepping for Unleavened Bread

It takes time and focus to prepare for the days of unleavened bread which can be a spring board, spiritually, for the rest of the year. Here are seven points to consider while you prepare.

Be Worthy of Your Calling

Christians should add value to the congregation, be at services, and do more than just show up.

It Takes Effort
