Eighth Day

October 7, 2023

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life" (Revelation 20:11-12).

This final commanded festival of the year - the Eighth Day (also called "the Last Great Day") - shows how deep and far reaching are the merciful judgments of God. All those who died without understanding God's truths will be at last given their first opportunity to really know their Creator and join His family.


Envisioning Mankind’s Greatest Hope

THE meaning of the Last High Day encapsulates and reveals the Hope of Mankind, that ALL will be given the God enabling Opportunity to "choose LIFE" with the God Family forever.

The Restitution of All Things

This world desperately needs to be taught the way of God, the true path to love, joy and peace. God will restore the true family structure, Godly leadership, and relieve the world of pain and suffering.

The Fellowship of Eternity

The Eighth Day Festival portrays a time that answers man's search for meaning beyond the moment and once discovered enables one to live beyond the challenges of this current age wrapped in time and space. What is eternity? Is it…

Living the Eighth Day Festival

The Eighth Day is a new and different holy day festival from Tabernacles. This day depicts a future physical rising from the dead… a time of great mercy and love shown by God to all past people.

The Mystery of the Second Resurrection

The greatest mystery of all is God’s astonishing plan of salvation. Part of that plan includes those who died without ever having been converted. This message explains the realities and requirements of the all-important second resurrection.

The Fellowship of Eternity

The Eighth Day Festival portrays a time that answers man's search for meaning beyond the moment and once discovered enables one to live beyond the challenges of this current age wrapped in time and space. What is eternity? Is it…

Why the Last Great Day Is Great!

The final day of the Feast of Tabernacles seven-day observance is a separate holyday. Called the Eighth Day in the Old and the Last Great Day in the New Testament, it is the incredible annual holyday that profoundly corrects the…

The Mystery Of the Eighth Day

The Millennium ends, then what? The Eighth Day, which is significant in multiple Bible passages. Prepare to walk through the Bible and see what is revealed about this wonderful day when God is in charge.

 The First Great Day of Hope for all Mankind

This sermonette discusses how those in the second resurrection will experience hope as they confront their resurrected state. It will also discuss our role in fulfilling that hope.

The Resurrection is Holy

We review the resurrections in God's plan as we keep the seven Holy Days each year. Let's take a deeper look into what resurrection means to God, important aspects of resurrection, underlying doctrines, and God's holiness, righteousness and justice in…