Given In

The Fellowship of Eternity

The Eighth Day Festival portrays a time that answers man's search for meaning beyond the moment and once discovered enables one to live beyond the challenges of this current age wrapped in time and space. What is eternity? Is it merely a realm or is it much more? How does John 17:1-3 define eternity? Is it merely a destination or a way of traveling? It's imperative for you to discover when and how the "fellowship of eternity" begins.

Robin Webber was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1951, but has lived most of his life in California. He has been a part of the Church of God community since 1963. He attended Ambassador College in Pasadena from 1969-1973. He majored in theology and history.

Mr. Webber's interest remains in the study of history, socio-economics and literature. Over the years, he has offered his services to museums as a docent to share his enthusiasm and passions regarding these areas of expertise.

When time permits, he loves to go mountain biking on nearby ranch land and meet his wife as she hikes toward him.

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