
Remembering and the Days of Unleavened Bread

God created His annual feasts and holy days so that we remember Him and His plan of salvation. Along with those who have gone before us, we are part of something so much greater than ourselves—an ongoing continuum of people…

Thoughts From the Funeral of a Friend

Michael Snyder covers three points in lessons learned from personal end-of-life experiences surrounding family and friends: the importance of personal contact and communication, being a light, and having renewed hope with a sense of urgency through the understanding of God’s…

The Day of Atonement: Why Critical to God's Plan

The Day of Atonement is critical to God's blueprint for human salvation because it exposes Satan the devil for who he is and what he does. This vital Holy Day shines the bright light of truth on this evil being…

The Greatest Redemption Story Ever Told

Most people love a good redemption story. Hollywood gives us dozens of movies each year that tell us a redemption story of some sort. Do you realize you are in the middle of the greatest redemption story ever told? Today…

The Fellowship of Eternity

The Eighth Day Festival portrays a time that answers man's search for meaning beyond the moment and once discovered enables one to live beyond the challenges of this current age wrapped in time and space. What is eternity? Is it…

The Word of God & Repentance and Faith

What God’s Word Has Done and Meant In My Life. God’s word has revealed His truth, provided warnings, shown His plan of salvation and purpose for humanity. It has done and meant EVERYTHING!!

Pentecost: Completing the Cycle

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and Pentecost have a strong connection between them. These three festivals are connected and they all address the problem of sin in our world.

The Compact

God’s plan of salvation for mankind is because of an agreement or compact between God the Father and the Word, who became Jesus Christ. They agreed on the roles They would execute to bring mankind to eternal salvation. “The Compact”…

God’s Part in the Holy Days

God's Holy Days have real significance. They each reveal some aspect of His plan of salvation for humanity. To fully appreciate the meaning of the Holy Days, we must be mindful of their underlying spiritual principles. This message focuses on…

I Peter 1:3-5

Peter opens his first epistle with a summary of the plan of God that is worthy of memorization and investigation. This synopsis of salvation in his salutation is the subject of our study.