
I Corinthians 4 & 5: More Reasons For Division and Correction

In an ongoing series of sermon messages delving into the first letter to the church at Corinth, pastor Philip Aust covers the issues of division and immorality that Paul focuses on in chapters 4 and 5.

Our Calling in God's Master Plan

If we are to receive the gift of eternal life and become members of God’s family, we must show our willingness to obey God each and every day by striving to get the spiritual leaven of sin out of our…

Similarities Between the Two Passovers

In this sermonette, we are comparing the similarities between the Old and the New Testament Passover

What About The Days of Unleavened Bread?

We must observe the Days of Unleavened Bread differently than other Holy Days becauese they are different.


We must forgive others the way that Jesus Christ and our Father forgive.

Why Did Jesus Die?

On the Sabbath before Passover, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses why, in the distant past of eternity, and before mankind's creation, God the Father and Jesus Christ decided that a sacrifice would be needed to…

Salvation For All Now?

A very common belief among many Christian churches today is that you are either saved or lost. Is God calling all of mankind today? Salvation for all now? if not now, when? Let's take a look at how God's plan…

God's Great Plan For All of Mankind

We've all known people who worry about their "unchurched" friends or relatives and their final fate. The Bible is clear about God's plan of salvation. Join this study to see God's great plan of salvation for all of mankind!

God's Great Plan For All of Mankind

We've all known people who worry about their "unchurched" friends or relatives and their final fate. The Bible is clear about God's plan of salvation. Join this study to see God's great plan of salvation for all of mankind!

Christianity 101: God's Big Picture

The majority of people in the world and the U.S. believe that life has resulted from an evolutionary process. This, despite the overwhelming evidence that the complexity we see shows that this is not possible. In this sermon, Philip Aust…