
Our Elder Brother

Join this Feast of Tabernacles Family Day Sermonette as we are reminded of how God the Father continues building His Family through our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ.

Where Were You?

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 9/14/19 Where were you on 9/11? If we are over 20 years old, we know exactly. And, as in this past week we remember 9/11, we also now look forward to the annual reminder of the Fall…

Service within the Church

How can you magnify your purpose in life and church? How can you make a difference in others lives?

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 4

In the 4th and final part of this series, we'll examine how authority and structure translate into the various roles of church in our local congregations. Whether we have a title and 'position' or not, everyone is a part of…

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 3

In Part 3 of this series, we'll examine how the authority given mankind translates into the structure and organization of the church today.

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 2

In Part 2 of this series, we'll examine how authority was given to mankind, both in the Old and New Testaments, and what God expected those whom He gave authority to, to do with it. We'll see how the church…

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 1

The mention of the word 'authority' can often make us bristle, especially in the context of a church setting. But is authority a bad word? In this multi-part series of sermons we'll explore where authority comes from, how it is…

What Are The Ordained

A sermon looking at the qualifications of deacons and elders and who they are.

The Growth of God's Church

Mr. Robeto Parada was ordained into the ministry on this Holy Day of Pentecost.


Elders, deacons, and all members are called to serve in various capacities. Who do we serve, how do we serve, and what does it take to be a good and faithful servant?