
Honor Your Elders

This message explains the blessing and responsibility of the fifth commandment. The key instruction of this commandment is to honor your parents. When we do this, we also learn respect for others, and that forms a good foundation for all…

The Wisdom in a Multitiude of Counselors

Throughout the Bible, there are examples of men seeking counsel with others. This sermon takes a look at some of these men.

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 4

In the 4th and final part of this series, we'll examine how authority and structure translate into the various roles of church in our local congregations. Whether we have a title and 'position' or not, everyone is a part of…

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 3

In Part 3 of this series, we'll examine how the authority given mankind translates into the structure and organization of the church today.

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 2

In Part 2 of this series, we'll examine how authority was given to mankind, both in the Old and New Testaments, and what God expected those whom He gave authority to, to do with it. We'll see how the church…

Authority, Structure and Roles in the Church - Part 1

The mention of the word 'authority' can often make us bristle, especially in the context of a church setting. But is authority a bad word? In this multi-part series of sermons we'll explore where authority comes from, how it is…

Appreciating the Gift of Old Age

There are some societies that respect the aged in their population, while there are other societies that practice ageism - prejudice and bigotry toward those over a certain age. But how does God view the process of aging? Old age…

Respecting God's Seniors

For the Sermon today I would like to discuss the privilege of being a senior in God’s Church. Recently I have been working on a presentation given annually at the General Conference of Elders. It is a tribute to the…

Offices Within The Church

What is the purpose of an "office" within God's Church?
2014 Meeting of the General Conference of Elders: Creating an Environment for Growth

2014 Meeting of the General Conference of Elders