
The Feast of Sweetness

Why does God use symbols of leaven and unleavened bread? Because they were the symbols chosen by competing Kingdoms. While both types of bread began with the same ingredients, their end product has no qualities or traits in common. Each…

Judges, Judging, and Judgment

Elder Gary Nielander covers one of God’s highest priorities—judging; His Church now being judged daily, in order to develop the elect into future leaders and judges to administer His government and laws for all mankind.

Preparing for the Day of Trumpets

After listening to this message, brethren will know and understand the 10 characteristics of God’s Elect who will be gathered at the Seventh Trumpet.

Crucial Concepts

Certain words in the bible, even some basic words, can have meanings we may not fully understand. Understanding the definitions of words, such as these that are covered in this message, can be very important to understanding the concepts being…

The Parable of the Evil Vinedressers

How does this parable relate to us today and extend even beyond? Listen in to find out how to be a good "vinedresser."

If I Won the Lottery

This message reviews the stories of several people who won the lottery but squandered their winnings. It then compares our calling to winning the lottery and asks the question, What will we do with it?

Where Honor is Due

The apostle Paul said to give honor where honor is due. Thank you to those veterans who have fought to protect our religious freedom and to God's people who fight the good fight. They are wearing the whole armour of…

The Spirit in Man

Listen to this sermon to learn why our spirit needs God's Spirit.

The Trumpet Sounds for the Firstfruits

This sermon examines the importance of the Feast of Trumpets as it relates to the firstfruits. It points to the day when Christ will return to this earth to rule with the saints.

Friends of God

There are several names for God's people: Children of God, Sons of God, Chosen, Elect, Called out ones, bride. These all denote a relationship with God. But are we friends of God? What does that mean?