
Self Control & Self Discipline

Your Creator/Father wants you to develop self discipline. But His goals are higher than a better bank statement, or better health. Spiritual self control is about becoming like your Father in attitude and thought… and involves controlling your thoughts, emotions…

The Compassion of Christ

Have you ever noticed how often Jesus Christ was moved by compassion? In this message, we'll review several examples showing how Christ demonstrated compassion on the physical, emotional and spiritual level. We'll then look at how and why we should…

Being A Light In An Emotionally Charged World.

How do you react to the emotions expressed by others? Are you impacted by someone with a happy demeanor? How about when a person near you is negative? In this sermonette Jon Davies refers to scientific studies that back up…

What are YOU going to do about it?

With tragedies like school, church and synagogue shootings happening on a regular basis, what should we as Christians do about it? We know that evil will only be removed at the return of Jesus Christ, so what should we do…

Love Mercy

One of God's characteristics is that He is merciful. In the Bible we are told that we are to love mercy. But just what is mercy? What does it mean to love it? There are many stories in the Bible…

Our Emotional Response

The Father and Son have emotions, and we can look to scripture to see their perfect examples of how to express them. While on Earth, Christ wept, had compassion, loved, grieved, rejoiced, and was angry. These emotions were balanced with…

Controlling Our Emotions

How do you emotionally handle things? Are you emotionally mature? Emotional stability and maturity is a very important part of our Christian development. How to achieve emotional maturity by studying the life of the Apostle Paul.

Count the Cost

The process of conversion is a life long process - never stop evaluating yourself. A look at seven reasons that have taken people away from God's way of life.
The War Within

The War Within

How do you handle those inner conflicts.

A Child's Worth

That hat meant a lot to me, but what was I saying to the kid who crushed it?