
Everyone needs to be encouraged in their lives. Numerous Bible scriptures offer personal encouragement that can be applied in your daily life and can help provide inspiration on how you can encourage others as they face life's challenges. These articles below can help guide you in that process.


The Gift of Joy

God wants us to have joy in our lives. Through biblical examples, we can learn to appreciate and increase our joy.

Paul's Prison Epistles -Short on Complaints and Long on Praise

Some of the most encouraging words in the Bible, are written by a man who was incarcerated for years. Take a detailed look at the mindset and the environment of Paul to better appreciate his "Prison Epistles".
A young woman looking out a window.

Confronting Loneliness

When it hits you—here’s how to deal with it constructively.
Driving in a rainstorm.

“When You Walk Through a Storm . . .”

Do you remember this song “You’ll Never Walk Alone”? It’s hard to hold your head up high while going through the storms of life.
Two people having a conversation

Gifts of Speech

“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29).
The Alamo

A Christian Band of Brothers and Sisters

As a “Band of Christian Brothers and Sisters” we will need the courage and support of each other in the coming days more than ever.

Asaph's Terrible Day

Jesus faced a terrible circumstance as He gave His life that we might live. God’s people need to be reminded that tough times are not the end of the story. Everyone has a bad day from time to time. But…
“It’s important that everyone knows I’m so much more than the bad things that happen to me.” —Jane Marczewski, singer and cancer fighter

Choose to Be Happy While Encouraging Others

How can we find happiness in discouraging times such as these? One way is through encouraging others.

Coping Well in Troubled Times

Consider four truths that will help you to cope well in these troubled times.
Media Production

A Wide Place to Rest

Sometimes, when we're deep in a trial, God will provide us a "wide place" to rest. We must learn to recognize those wide places and appreciate the rest God provides us.