
What is the Abomination of Desolation?

Within the book of Daniel and Revelation, bible prophecy mentions the Abomination of Desolation. Through the course of this message, we will review the historical accounts of the Abomination of Desolation and what role the final Abomination of Desolation will…

Arise, Shine; For Your Light Has Come!

The Festival of Trumpets is perhaps the most symbolic Holy Day in God’s plan because it represents many different but connected events in the end-time. Today we will examine a few important events with a special emphasis on the first…

Because the Days are Evil

The society is heading into more dangerous circumstances as human logic replaces God's commands and established laws.

The Book of Joel

The end of days as described by Joel. A link to the Day of the Lord. Return to God before it is too late.

Mark of Beast Rising

The Book of Revelation warns us to watch for the Mark of the Beast. What are we to look for in the end time world? The Bible gives us clues to consider when the Mark of the Beast rises for…

Regathering and Restoration

God gave Israel land to live in. God has never forgotten His promises of blessings. When the great trumpet blows, He will gather physical Israel and bring them back to these lands. Even though Israel has forgotten God, God says…

Be Awake, Be Focused and Be Ready

The economy of the United States, in general, is looking good. We do have good times and great blessings in America. There also seems to be agreements of peace between the states and countries that have never been allies. We…

World Events and End Time Prophecies

What is happening to those people who are called by God as people become self focused and begin to forget the events happening around us?

What Is God's End Game?

What is God working out through mankind? In this split-sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses what God's "end game" for mankind is.

Make Ready My People

God spoke of making making ready His people by removing every obstacle from their way. We must do all we can to draw close to God and one another in the troubles to come. By doing so we will find…