
Seven Good Reasons for Trials in Our Lives

Why does God put trials in our lives? What can we learn from trials? What characteristics do trails build?

Seek First the Kingdom of God

What prevents us from seeking God’s Kingdom? Why do we need God’s Kingdom? What was Jesus’ purpose in coming to the earth?

Time to Fly

The Wright Brothers were the underdogs to become the first men to fly. There are three lessons we can learn from their success that apply to all, especially to the incoming ABC students.

He Who Endures To the End Will Be Saved

Will you be among those who are among the faithful, who remain steadfast until Christ's return? We need to be able to endure the hardships and stresses that come along, and not be distracted from pursuing the vision of the…

HOW to “GO From Here”

A view of the crucifixion as seen through the eyes of Jesus Christ Himself—the One actually experiencing it. We will then be more able to "deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow HIM".


We Certainly Do Not Want to Change, Have Unpredictability, Be Upset, Move FROM Here, or Not to Be Informed Completely of What and Why God May Leave Us in A State of Non-Peace. BUT: God Knows His Plan, and It…

He who endures to the end will be saved

Jesus told His disciples that “He who endures to the end will be saved”. What was He trying to tell us? In scripture the word “endurance” or some form of the word endurance occurs 120 times so it is important…

He who endures to the end will be saved

Jesus told His disciples that “He who endures to the end will be saved”. What was He trying to tell us? In scripture the word “endurance” or some form of the word endurance occurs 120 times so it is important…

He who endures to the end will be saved

Jesus told His disciples that "He who endures to the end will be saved". What was He trying to tell us? In scripture the word "endurance" or some form of the word endurance occurs 120 times so it is important…

Grow in Patience

We must take a long breath before we speak or act so as to be good ambassadors of God trying to maintain a loving relationship with others