
O Ye of Little Faith

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 12/14/15 Location: Orinda Jesus told His disciples "O Ye of Little Faith" four separate times. Jesus said they had little faith because of anxiety, doubt, fear, and human reasoning. Listen to this sermon to learn how to…

Don't Be "Oh You of Little Faith"

Satan wants to destroy your faith. We see the importance of not being an "Oh You of Little Faith". Part Two goes through the last two enemies of faith and what we can do about increasing in Faith.

Don't Be “Oh You of Little Faith”

Satan wants to destroy your faith. We see the importance of not being an "Oh You of Little Faith". Part One goes through the first two enemies of faith and what we can do about increasing in Faith.

Don't Be "Oh You of Little Faith"

Satan wants to destroy your faith. We see the importance of not being an "Oh You of Little Faith". Part One goes through the first two enemies of faith and what we can do about increasing in Faith.

Subduing the Four Enemies of Faith

In the book of Matthew Jesus Christ identifies four enemies of faith. Characterized by the statement “Ye of Little of Faith” Christ describes to his disciples these enemies of faith using real life scenarios. What are these enemies of faith…

Know Your Enemy

Do you know who your enemy is? Do you understand the strategies and approaches your enemy will develop to attack you? 9/11 took America by surprise. We clearly failed to recognize and understand our enemy so we could defend against…

Atonement Primer

You must know your enemy, his strengths, his goals and the enjoyment he has as he plots your failure!

The Enemy Against Us

Christians are told to live at peace with each other, but yet they face enemies. There is a spiritual opponent fighting against Christians daily.