Media Production

Emotional Awareness

As the pandemic wanes and we return to life we're going to be interacting with others more. We need to acknowledge the emotions, both positive and negative, that will come with working closely with people again.

James 4: Wars Among You

This sermonette goes over the historical context of James 4:1-10. Through this examination, we realize that being friends with the world leads to wars in the church.

Envy and Jealousy

Satan Inspired and motivated spiritual diseases... Jealousy and envy, affecting human society. God zealously provided spiritual nutrients to deal with jealously and envy.


Humans typically want MORE. What MORE should you be seeking? What MORE shouldn't you be seeking? How can you have MORE of what God wants you to have? Let's examine the Bible's core message concerning our pursuit of MORE in…

The Destiny of a Biblical Fool

After listening to this message, brethren will know and understand the importance of not being envious about apparent prosperity and success of biblical fools.

The Penny and the Evil Eye

Envy is discontent or ill will for someone who has what you want. Let's look at scripture that reminds us to avoid this problem that could cost us the Kingdom.

The 10th Commandment

As wealth in our society grows so does income inequality, which creates more resentment and frustration as we are increasingly tempted to covet those things we see that belong to our neighbor. Yet covetry goes well beyond money, but instead…

The Seed of the First Murder

Seeds start out small and given the right environment, including soil and rain, they will grow. Something as tiny as a seed can grow into something gigantic under the right conditions. This message analyzes the seed of envy that led…

Gossip Creates Division

Join us for this very eye opening sermon by Mr. Jorge de Campos as he reminds us of what God expects from us in the area of our tongue. Are we being talebearer's and complaining against God ? The answers…

Envy - Examining, Understanding, and Conquering

What is envy? How does Envy impact you? In this sermon Joe Handley dives into the subject on Envy. He gives several examples of people who exhibited envy in the Bible. He also warns us that Envy, even in the…