
The Rise and Fall of Israel - Part 1

Do you ever read the Bible and wonder how the nation of Israel of the Old Testament became the nation of Israel today. In part 1 of this series of messages, we'll look at how Israel came into being, rose…

Israel, The Anointed of God

The story of Israel in the Bible is one of God making a very special covenant with this chosen people. It is an everlasting covenant that began with one man and carries blessings down to our time today. The promises…
Biblical Reflections on the Royal Wedding

Biblical Reflections on the Royal Wedding

On April 29, 2 billion people around the globe watched the wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton. Why are so many people fascinated with the British royal family, and what is the biblical significance of this historic event?
God Blessed America

God Blessed America

The "special relationship" between America and Great Britain has been a great benefit to the world. But could it have been much more? What if the two had never divided? Will history correct this great event of modern times?