
The Hope Within You

Speaker: Dave Mirigian 9/18/19 Peter tells the brethren in 1 Peter 3:15 to "always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you." This message looks at (1) our…

Eternal Life - What We'll Be Doing

Speaker: Tom Meece 8/10/19 We don't have all understanding, but the Bible does point us to what eternal life will involve. Considering this reality can be quite inspirational. Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay Area congregation may…

The Quantum Leap

Dr. Steve Holladay discusses what the scriptures tell us about the limitless power that God has, and how we can see his greatness in the creation. He also demonstrates this using what scientists and mathematicians have been able to discover…

How Often Do You Look Up?

How often do you look up? Look up and get some perspective on how small we are. Gods plan is so Big compared to us, but he cares about us! Are your hands and your eyes fixed on service to…

Someday They Will Know

Imagine the time when all of your family and friends finally know the truth. Someday, they will.

Eternal Judgment

We learn through living a life according to God’s instruction the purpose of this life and what God is doing with mankind after death in this lifetime. At the end of everything – our physical life and/or our resurrection awaits…

In the Beginning

In the beginning was existence in the eternal sense, as stated within John 1: 1. While keeping this in mind; There are three main points to focus on: Existence, creative action, and life eternal.

Was Jesus Created?

Some say Jesus was a created being, but the Bible reveals He has always existed.

Contrast Between Solomon and Christ

Solomon had many conclusions about life, but Christ had the last word.

The Promise of Marriage

Much of today's society has grown frighteningly unstable in regard to strong, solid and lasting relationships. This trend is greatly affecting marriages and married couples' commitment to maintain enduring, stable families!