

What does it mean to believe?

God's Great Promises

God makes certain great promises, and they are great promises, and we're going to see that God is someone you can absolutely, completely, trust and rely upon to keep His word.

Grace Simplified

The subject of grace is vital to our spiritual well-being but is a subject that has been in the past controversial and even feared. We need to be cautious and careful and define it more strictly to better understand this…

Judgment Compared to a Trial

You are on trial. Satan is the prosecuting attorney. Christ is your defense attorney. God is the judge. If you lose, you receive the death penalty. Luckily the judge is on your side.
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Are You Saved?

Being saved means being rescued from the eternal penalty of sin. But, is it an event or a process? What must you do to be saved?
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Eternal life is a gift, but we can disqualify ourselves from receiving that gift if we aren't diligent in our obedience to God.
A person holding a Bible and looking up to the sky.

Is Your Life “Good Enough” for God?

So what does God expect of us? What does it mean to “get right” with Him? What does it look like in a person’s life? Let’s notice Jesus Christ’s own statements that give us the answer!
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The Christian Marathon

How well are we running? Do we keep our eye on the finish line?

Five Experiences Our Savior Shares With Us

Deacon David Cobb covers five areas in which our Savior shared our human experiences: the joy of being alive; the suffering of being alive; the joy of doing what is right; the temptation to do what is wrong; and the…

Our First Love

Although we have many firsts in life, there's nothing quite as precious as our First Love. For Christians, that love is in Christ and the gift of eternal life. Now is the time as Passover approaches we should be self-examining…