London with Big Ben tower in the background.

Current Events & Trends

In a June 2016 referendum, 52 percent of the British people voted for Brexit—Britain’s exit from the European Union—leading to the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron, an advocate of Britain staying in the EU. Incoming Prime Minister Theresa May...
La grande cloche Big Ben à Londres


The European Union (EU) was formed to promote peace, prosperity and economic and political union throughout Europe. But the recent British exit vote (Brexit) has thrown those assumptions into doubt. What does the future hold for Europe?
German Leopard 2 battle tanks on maneuvers.

Current Events & Trends

Germany released a statement to the European Union (EU) pushing for a joint effort in military power.
The Shard skyscraper in London, England.

Message To Great Britain

Behind the Brexit vote is the historical reality and prophetic legacy of Europe's power structure. What does it mean for Britain and the EU moving forward?

Current Events and Prophecy, Part 1

With Britain exiting the EU does this mean the end of the EU? Will other nations follow suit? What does this mean in the prophetic time line? Who are the 3 major players in prophecy? Mr Sexton provides insight.

Fear of Uncertainty

Learn about the fear and uncertainty we might feel after hearing major world news events similar to the British referendum on Thursday to leave the E.U. The example of Daniel 2, show us God is always in control, He brings…
A night shot of London with Big Ben belltower in the distance.

The Brexit Vote

The United Kingdom has voted to exit the European Union. How will this affect our understanding of Europe's role in prophecy?
Refugees traveling to Germany.

Current Events & Trends

In September 2015 more than 200,000 mostly Muslim refugees entered Germany—some fleeing from war-torn areas in their homelands, but many simply seeking a better economic future.
Media Production


Britain this week starts a serious discussion about leaving the European Union.
Syrian refugees strike in front of Budapest Keleti railway station.

Current Events & Trends

The lengthy prophecy of Daniel 11 speaks of ongoing conflict between rulers to the north and south of the land of Israel, with verse 45 referring to an end-time King of the South pushing at a final King of the...