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At the end of 2020 the United Kingdom finally left the European Union; allowing this island nation the opportunity to forge their own future economically and politically.
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The World Continues to Turn

What can we learn from the coronavirus pandemic, and what does the Bible say we should focus on during this difficult time?
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Brexit: What Now?

Brexit is now official. What comes next now that Britain is no longer part of the European Union?
Torn European Union flag.

Europe’s Great Divide

Europeans are torn between two competing paths—a bigger and more powerful European Union or individual countries having their own national control. Where is this divide leading?

Europe in Prophecy

Bible prophecy indicates a new, powerful union of nations, centered on the European continent. The Common Market and European Union have not materialized into a "United States of Europe," but from Europe will rise the most powerful and dominating group…
The European Union flag - A circle of twelve five-pointed yellow stars in a blue field. One of the stars has fallen off of the circle.

Europe’s Uncertain Future

Concerns over NATO’s future, the Muslim refugee crisis and the impending Brexit are clouds on Europe’s horizon. What lies ahead for Europe?

Current Events & Trends

In late March British Prime Minister Theresa May sent a formal letter to the head of the European Union stating that the United Kingdom will be officially withdrawing from the EU. The British citizens voted to leave in 2016, and...
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Brexit: Part 1 - An Official Reality

On March 29, 2017, the United Kingdom officially began the process of removing itself from the European Union.
Night scene in London, England with the Big Ben Tower in the back ground.

Is a British Exit from the European Union Required to Fulfill Bible Prophecy?

While it appears that Brexit will proceed, we should realize that it’s not a foregone conclusion that Britain will actually exit the European Union. And even if it does, it may still be significantly entangled and subject to EU rules.
On the towers of the Tower Bridge in London.

Why Brexit Matters for Europe and for You

Britain’s vote to leave the European Union shocked the nation’s and the continent’s political elites. What’s behind it? And what does it mean for Britain and Europe as a whole?